Check out our internship experience

Like Lexi Banks, many full-time employees started their Olsson careers as interns. Now an assistant landscape designer, Lexi says her internship provided real-world experience that helped her after graduation.

“Being an intern prepared me for a career by giving it a try and testing it out,” she said. “I didn’t realize how much behind-the-scenes work it takes to make a simple streetscape. Seeing how many peoples’ hands are in a project is mind blowing.”

“Being an intern prepared me for a career by giving it a try and testing it out.”

What stuck out to intern Mitchell Ball was a growth-oriented and supportive culture.

“The culture at Olsson is great,” he said. “You’re not left in the dust here. You’re going to grow and everybody’s here to help you. You'll learn skills that will apply throughout your whole life.”

Our new graduates and interns do real work, learn from mentors, and have fun along the way.

Haley Christensen
Recruiting specialist
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