The City of Manhattan's traffic signal system had been built, maintained, and improved over decades by internal staff. With the City's needs evolving, Manhattan hired us to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the traffic signal system and develop plans to ensure its continued efficient and safe operation.
We collaborated closely with Manhattan to address several fundamental questions: What was Manhattan's current status? Where did the City envision itself in 20 years? And how could Manhattan achieve that vision?
We collaborated closely with Manhattan to address several fundamental questions.
Here is what we did to help Manhattan answer those questions:
- Completed a full assessment of the existing signal infrastructure and identified necessary improvements at each intersection.
- Developed a capital improvements list for ITS and major traffic system infrastructure projects.
- Created a 10-year ITS improvements list.
- Developed corridor-timing plans for three arterials.
- Established standard operating procedures and best management practices.
- Reviewed design standard specifications.
- Provided recommendations for data capture, data management, and data infrastructure to support future planning efforts.