Replacing the 17th Street Bridge in Trenton, Missouri

We were selected by the City of Trenton, Missouri to provide engineering services to replace the 17th Street Bridge over Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR). This city-led project consisted of a partnership with MoDOT Multimodal and UPRR for replacement of the structure.

We provided preliminary and final design for the roadway approaches, bridge, survey, traffic control, intersection design, utility relocations, public involvement, as well as right-of-way services.

The project included coordination with Trenton Municipal Utilities and Kansas City Power and Light regarding the relocation of major overhead power lines, which we helped design. The new, three-span prestressed girder bridge was configured for a thirty-foot roadway, two pedestrian sidewalks, barriers, and collision walls that represent the completion of a much-needed replacement of a dilapidated structure and fulfillment of a major crossing feature of the City’s trail network master plan.

The project represents the completion of a much-needed replacement of a dilapidated structure and fulfillment of a major crossing feature of the City’s trail network master plan.

We hosted public involvement meetings to discuss existing property impacts, project considerations, schedules for design and construction, and future property redevelopments. The roadway required amendments to the vertical and horizontal alignment of 17th Street and reconfiguration of four intersections. This work included pavement replacement, shoulder reshaping, street lighting design, water main modifications, ADA compliant sidewalk design, architectural fencing, MSE walls, signing, and stormwater design.

We also completed the following:

- Street lighting design, including a photometric study.

- Interconnect conduit design.

- Water main modifications.

- Survey and utility location and coordination.

- Environmental permitting and review of impacts to farmland, wetlands, floodplain, noise, air quality, and threatened/endangered species.

Reid Catt
Senior Team Leader
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